So why a blog called 'Surviving Average"? I know, it sounds, well, kinda boring. But before I get into WHY the blog, I thought I would start by telling you a little about myself.
I am hopelessly, utterly, shamelessly, normal. I grew up with two parents that loved me, and took great care of me. I have two older siblings who are normal, functioning human beings in this world. We went on family vacations, we rode bikes up and down our neighborhood, we actually ate supper together EVERY night around the table, together.. as a family. Basically, we were the family in a crime drama before our dad killed us all. We really were that normal.
Growing up I was enrolled, as many of my fellow 'normal' counterparts' are, in the 'Perfect Child Programme". I took ballet, horse back riding lessons, music lessons, swimming, softball, soccer, cheerleading.. I think you get the point. I was the antithesis of goth in high school. I was a cheerleader, I dressed in baby blue and pink, I loved horses, I got good grades and took advanced classes, I dated a nice hockey player (I know.. in his case this term is NOT an oxymoron). I went to parties, but I always made it home for curfew.
I was a good kid.. I was normal, I was average. I even went on to marry that same nice hockey player from high school. That's right.. I even married my high school sweetheart (but not before bucking average for once in my life.. I got pregnant in my last semester of University. However, when you've made your life out of being THIS normal, people didn't really seem to upset. In fact, I dare say they almost saw it coming).
So in long (because these sorts of explanations are never as short as they intend to be!!) I now have two and a half kids, and I am married to my nice hockey playing husband, who is a 'normal Canadian guy'.
But is that ALL that there is to my story? A paint by numbers sort of story that is as boring as it is predictable?
So back to the title of my blog.. 'Surviving Average'. Well, in my quest to become anything other than ordinary, I discovered that there is beauty, and hilarity in just being who you are. So welcome to my blog...